Rhythm to Form

Able Fine Art NY Gallery

Mar. 12, 2024 - Apr. 1, 2015

511 West 25th street.
New York, New York 10001

This is Solomon’s second show at Able Fine Art NY Gallery in Chelsea. Her work has also been presented at Able Fine Art’s gallery in Seoul, South Korea.

In her series, “From Rhythm to Form,” Marsha Solomon creates lyrical abstractions in which she infuses her canvases with color and texture, but also with a sense of harmony and repose. Solomon’s large, color-field abstractions are inspired by the early abstract expressionists. Her work has been likened to Helen Frankenthaler’s while also displaying echoes of the bold brushwork of Motherwell and the saturated tonality of Morris Louis. Yet, Solomon, while gently referencing that era, uses her own intense colors and signature brushwork to present a fresh, innovative vision and bold statements about the fundamental forms of art—color and line, composition and space.

Solomon’s approach to painting is unique. She often treats her canvases as though they were paper and her paper as though it were canvas. She applies paint to raw canvas allowing it to infuse the fibers like watercolor would, and she adds boldly drawn lines on her paintings. In contrast, Solomon’s watercolors and acrylics on paper show the same bravura in the way she works the pigments as do her paintings. Each possesses the artist’s distinctive strength and flexibility. She communicates through color, and all it can evoke, and line, with all the strength and subtlety it can express. Solomon’s paintings capture the poetry of the soul and invite meditation and reflection.

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