Photography as Printmaking

Russian American Cultural Center

Oct. 12, 2025 - Nov. 7, 2020

520 East 76th Street
New York, 10021

“Photography as Printmaking” is an exhibition of twenty-three photographic prints by Dmitry Borshch. They belong to series usually exhibited separately – “Exiled from Truth”, “Iconography”, “Disasters of War” – which may have created an impression of disunity had these prints’ surface not been a unifier and maybe the true subject of our show. Its title is borrowed from the eponymous I968 show at MoMA in New York whose artists felt the same preoccupation with surface quality of their images as Borshch feels today. “I’ve been photographing my drawings from various angles and exhibiting these photographs instead of the drawings themselves for years now because I consider glossy metallic finish attractive. Scanning is another method often used by me for production of digital chromogenic prints – which are never reproductions of my drawings but originals, editioned or unique,” says Borshch.

This show will happen next month at Yalos Foundation, a private art foundation located in Yalta, Russia / Ukraine. “Unique colors of this place which I have known since childhood, very different from New York’s where I live now, compelled me to experiment with another photographic process: digital cyanotype. When asked by a journal of interdisciplinary research about seven years ago, I explained it thus, ‘Here’s the digital part of my process: I draw on paper, scan, reverse the drawing in Photoshop and print it on acetate, thereby creating a negative suitable for contact printing. Then the traditional cyanotype process begins: coating the paper with a prepared solution and making an exposure in sunlight or under a lamp.’ Soon visitors to my shows will be able to judge how New York and Yalta cyanotypes differ,” Borshch concludes.

He was born in Dnipropetrovsk, studied in Moscow, today lives in New York, Dnipro, and Ramat Gan. His works have been exhibited at Russian American Cultural Center (New York), HIAS (New York), Consulate General of the Russian Federation (New York), Lydia Schukina Institute of Psychology (Moscow), Contemporary Art Centers (Voronezh, Almaty), Museums of Contemporary Art (Poltava, Lviv). More exhibitions can be found in the Brooklyn Arts Council registry:

The artist has collaborated with Russian American Cultural Center for more than 10 years. It was founded in 1998 by Dr. Regina Khidekel and earned its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in 1999. RACC aims to provide permanent cultural representation to more than 700,000 Russian-speaking residents of New York.

“Photography as Printmaking”
Ulitsa Pavlenko, dom 10A, Yalta, Respublika Krym

October 12, 10 am – November 7, 6 pm
Monday – Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm, free admission

Please write to [email protected] or call (347) 662 1456
The artist is available for interviews

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