
Kathryn Markel Fine Arts

Mar. 31, 2024 - May. 7, 2016

529 W 20th St Suite 6W
New York, 10011


Kathryn Markel Fine Arts is pleased to present Paintings, an exhibition of new work by Mary Didoardo.

Mary Didoardo creates dynamic abstractions that are formally structured responses to a complex world. Before forming complete thoughts, she absorbs her experiences and communicates them through her work in a way that is stunningly visceral. She opts to express a greater state of mind rather than intimate story-telling.

Form is established in her paintings through swirling lines, textures, and colors. Her use of line transcends being just a design element. It is deeply embedded into the process, and ultimately draws the space. The gesture evokes heightened emotions and elements of time.

Her panels are worked strenuously. They are heavily layered, often built up from the remnants of what was previously considered a “failed painting.” The traces of the first image enrich the final version by rising through paint that is built up and scraped down again, over and over. The resulting textures deepen the sense of space and create room for a psychological atmosphere. The work is guided by the sensuality of the material until balance has been achieved.

Mary Didoardo earned her BFA at Pratt. She has worked diligently and quietly in Long Island City for many years. She has been exhibited in the New York City area consistently for over 30 years. She was the recipient of the Enrico Donati Foundation Grant (2000 & 2002) and The Millay Colony Residency, Austerlitz, NY.


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