“One by One”: Monoprints and Variable Editions by Lisa Barsumian

Cooley Gallery

Jan. 1, 2025 - Aug. 13, 2011

25 Lyme Street
Old Lyme, Connecticut 6371


An exhibition and sale of monotypes and variable editions on view from July 16th through August 13th. In this exhibition the gallery introduces over thirty-five brand new works by the Paris based ex-patriot artist Barsumian.

Lisa Barsumian focuses on a subject and renders it without a context, portraying its essence. Whether in paint or print, Lisa is inclined to focus on an aspect of her subject and compose it down to a harmonious minimum, a place where positive and negative cheerfully coexist. For this exhibition Lisa chose familiar, everyday subjects: a lawn chair, a pomegranate or a cat walking through shadows. The prints are clean and simple with only one subject represented in the course of one print.

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