Noah’s Ark Revisited VIII

Pearson Legacy Gallery

Oct. 30, 2025 - Nov. 30, 2014

13 Dow Road
Deer Isle, Maine 4627

On Thursday, October 30, 2014, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, the Pearson Legacy Gallery (13 Dow Road, Deer Isle)will host an artists reception to open to the public its lively exhibition of work in all media depicting an unusual array of creatures -some cute and cuddly, some large and ferocious, some quite imaginary. All are up for adoption. If you have ever wanted to have a giraffe, this is the time. The Gallery is open Thursdays through Sundays until Dec. 24th (it will close early that day), 11:00 to 4:00.

Over thirty artists have submitted work depicting an image or images of creatures – some with fur, some with feathers, some that slither, some that snooze in trees, and more — all but humans unless they are accompanied by a panda or crocodile, for example. There are prints, paintings, sculpture, fiberwork, photographs, and more. Do come, meet many of the artists, and enjoy a light supper suitable to the occasion.

And, again, for this exhibition (which closes on November 30th), all gallery visitors are invited to vote for their favorite piece – it is a People’s Choice Award. The artist whose piece receives the most votes at the end of the exhibition will receive a gift certificate for a local restaurant.

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