Mariano Chelo – Black Even Point

Ierimonti Gallery

Jan. 18, 2024 - Feb. 15, 2019

55 Delancey Street
New York, 10002
PHONE 646.925.1697


Ierimonti gallery is pleased to present “Black even Point”, Mariano Chelo first exhibition in New York.

The works that we are presenting in this exhibition are the result of Mariano Chelo last production. “ I work in parallel with different topics, perhaps because I’m curious or maybe not to get bored, as if I were writing stories, and apparently I move from one extreme to another. In reality each is the consequence of the other.
When do you research, even in painting, you discover or invent unexpected things, things that can surprise you or disappoint you, but always stimulating and alive”.

The artist has begun to theorize the boundary between painting and sculpture. Apart from the three-dimensionality, the difference is made by the light, in the sculptures the parts in light and shade come from spatiality of the form while in the painting they are represented with the colors.
His research consist precisely in making sculpture with painting, that is, using a flat surface and playing with the gloss and the opaque, stealing the light from the environment and imitating what happens in reality.
This is how the series “Mari” was born, using glossy paints with the “organized dripping” technique. Looking at the picture you have the perception of a liquid that changes shape depending on your point of view and on the light that illuminates it.
But in reality Mariano doesn’t represent the image of the sea, which is just a pretext. What he looks for is the balance, both in this series as in the previous ones, and that’s why he Thoughts about naming

Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
Collezione Eticon – Amburgo
Museo Fondazione Logudoro Meilogu
Comune di Bosa
Collezione Longo – Palermo
Museo Arte Moderna di Vilnius
Circolo degli Artisti – Bologna
Associazione Artisti – Kuwait
Club Corniche – Kuwait City
Kuwait Art Association – Kuwait
Collezione Cherchi – Cagliari
Fondazione Banco di Sardegna
Pinacoteca di Olzai

Ierimonti Gallery

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