Andrea Rosen Gallery 2

Oct. 31, 2025 - Dec. 6, 2014

544 West 24th Street
New York, New York 10011
(212) 627-6000

This three-person exhibition presents the works of Magali Reus, with Bill Bollinger’s Graphite Piece (1969) and photographs from John Divola’s Dark Star Series. Approximating the scale and basic materiality of fridge-freezer appliances and cooking pots, Magali Reus’ Lukes and Dregs sculptures are relegated to archeological status and play out in materially luxurious compositions that puzzle human relationships to inanimate matter and their function. Shown together with Bollinger and Divola’s works, each strengthening a material vernacular, this juxtaposition of trajectories is a way to not only contextualize work being made now within the established field of contemporary art, but also a way of showing how artists like Divola and Bollinger remain a vital part of the discourse.

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