In The Studio

Chazen Museum of Art

Jun. 1, 2024 - Aug. 11, 2019

750 University Ave.
Madison, 53706

Curated by the Chazen’s director Amy Gilman, this exhibition focuses attention on the artist’s studio, and the unique environments in which artists do their work. The objects on view are selected from across the museum’s collection, and draw connections and inevitable comparisons between artists of different times, cultures, and media. The purpose is not to “equalize” all artistic work, but instead to invite viewers to examine small details that reveal personalities, see how common studio practice (such as drawing from live models) has evolved (or not) over time, and expose for close examination the preliminary work that leads to the finished objects we most closely associate with art in a museum. Along the way are enduring friendships and rivalries, humor, angst, and a great deal of hard work. This is a collections-based exhibition, and as such, it, of course, reflects the Chazen Museum of Art’s growth, its strengths, and also contains some wonderful surprises.

Chazen Museum of Art

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