Give Me Love

diane birdsall gallery

Jul. 26, 2025 - Aug. 22, 2014

16 Lyme St
Old Lyme, Connecticut 6371
860 434 3209

Found and Painted -Robin Halpren-Ruder
Stitched and Painted- Margarita Hernandez- Maxson

Halpren-Ruder paints exuberant energy filled objects with polka dots, hearts, stars and flowers bursting open. Her paintings extend beyond the edge to include the frame and more. The color is often electrifying. Margarita Hernandez-Maxson brings her Mexican heritage of story telling to life in the painted and stitched figures she creates. Button-eyed Cats, The Coraline character, Skeletons, Templar Knights and Frida Kahlo dolls are lovingly stitched and painted, encouraged to be played with and imagined. Two artists that see their art as an extension of a creative life force.

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