Finding Place

Walker Fine Art

Apr. 26, 2025 - May. 25, 2019

300 W. 11th Avenue #A
Denver, CO, 80206
PHONE 303-355-8955

Walker Fine Art presents FINDING PLACE, a group exhibition in coalition with the Denver Art Museum’s Asian Art Association. Through independent avenues, these artists form a collective narrative generating an intersectional conversation about Asian cultures. Working with modern incarnations of ancient artistic practices, to contemporary influences from the east and the west, together these artists are discovering a sense of place and identity in their art making. The journey of finding one’s place takes all forms, and in the case of these five artists, this exploration has been found in their artistic practice.

SAMMY LEE nearly destroys papers – she soaks, beats, crumples, throws and wrings sheets to then felt them into a new substrate in order to create an object from personal memories. The process involves reconstructing psychological space first, then physically draping over a sheet, feeling the invisible or faint memories with her fingertips, then hanging to let gravity shape the final form.

CORY FEDER was raised between a mother from South Korea and a father from the Bronx, and has always found herself amongst the in between of culture, identity and language. A storyteller at heart, she uncovers the magic hidden in the mundane by reweaving threads of her experience into a fence-less dialect.

JOO WOO seeks to relate a sense of identity and place with her physical and psychological experiences of displacement. As a sojourner, she has been collecting images of her new surroundings and arranging them, per place, in a glass of water that she drinks from every day, in order to absorb the place visually and conceptually. The “portraits” of places in her series “Traveler’s Cup” show anecdotes of her constant displacement, and imply the fluidity of identity, unfixed, open and not subordinate to any specific place.

JONGKU KIM presents “Mahn Pok Dong”, a SanSu project made from iron dust fillings incorporating GyumJehJungSun’s original art, as well as the current news. The traveling news in the wind becomes the foundation that grounds the meaning behind “Mahn Pok Dong”. Although SanSu is traditionally symbolic of a tranquil utopia, it is easily disturbed by a simple sweep of a broom. The sweep expresses the coming of something hidden within the futility of time and space.

CHINN WANG’s current works explores complicated transitions in personhood, expectancy, desire, chance and mortality. The prints represent a collection of silhouettes that explore the objects, shapes and sentiments that permeate Wang’s own experience with motherhood. Wang endeavors to reveal a unique dilemma of parenthood – the ceding of one identity for another and the perpetual grappling with a complex and layered sense of self. The paralleled pathways of gratitude and yearning for what you have, what you don’t have, and what you may have lost, yields both symmetry and contradiction in her studio practice and in her life.

KAZU OBA’s Utsuwa’s series will also be featured.

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