Farideh Sakhaeifar

William Holman Gallery

May. 27, 2025 - Jul. 15, 2015

65 Ludlow Street
New York, New York 10002


In Sacrosanct, Farideh Sakhaeifar’s first solo show with William Holman Gallery, photography, sound installation, and video works explore the social and political struggles of her native Iran. A memorial to collective memory, the exhibition challenges propagandized images and censored narratives through the artist’s disruption and manipulation of these systems.

Please join us on Wednesday July 15th, from 6.30 – 8.30 pm for the closing reception of the exhibition.

This exhibition marks the end of our third season and 29th Exhibition at the Gallery on Ludlow Street. We will serve some light refreshments and be entertained by a surprise Iranian musician and some friends. Farideh will also speak about the work for any one who has missed our other events.

As ever we thank you all for coming out and hope that you can join us for a festive evening on the LES.

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