Able Fine Art NY Gallery
Jan. 5, 2025 - Jan. 18, 2018
January 5, 2017 – January 18, 2018
Opening Reception – Friday, December 29, 6 – 8 pm
Able Fine Art NY Gallery is pleased to present “Decorum”, a solo exhibition of Cheolseong Kim. The show will consist of Kim’s meditative paintings; Each an introspective study of the water’s edge. Kim’s thoughtful use of composition and spatial reasoning resonates with the viewer as much more than merely aesthetically pleasing. Using painting to sift through reality, Kim explores the clutter of modern life in order to achieve a deeper understanding of truth and tranquility.
Cheolseong Kim, a graduate of Korea National University of Education in Cheongju, Korea, holds a Ph.D. in Fine Art Education. Having exhibited internationally throughout Korea, Switzerland and Paris, this will be Kim’s first exhibition in New York City. As a lecturer at Seoul National University of Education, the Director of the Korean Fine Arts Association and on the Korean National Committee of I.A.A; Cheolseong Kim’s impressive list of recognitions and positions only stand to elevate his already outstanding career.
The exhibition features a variety of Kim’s work, spanning from 2006 to present, each piece holds a separate touchstone, shedding light on the work’s deeper connotations. For Kim these images depict much more than merely rocks on water; each singular object alluding to his core beliefs and worldview. The stones, painstakingly portrayed and unique in their slight variations represent man in all our minute imperfections and limitations. Concurrently, the light, blinding in its beauty, shifting in hue between each work symbolizes God. One omniscient, all-encompassing force in stark contrast with the other, small and delicate in comparison. The two, so dissimilar, yet occupying parts of a whole illustrate the relationship Kim hopes for humanity to rebuild between man and immortal. Using each painting as a tool for understanding and growth; both the creation, as well as the finish product lend themselves to a more balanced experience of Kim’s reality.
Kim’s use of pastels and soft backgrounds coupled with realistic illustration offer a juxtaposition of style that is innately interesting to the onlooker. Although the images initially come off as minimalistic, an understated use of detail and tonal disparity inform the drawn out compilation Kim so readily seeks. The artist himself states “I hope that I will be able to rest my subjectivity and aesthetics in a clear space of blank space and restore my subjectivity, and to look down on the deepness of my life for a while.” With this practice of reentering himself within each work, Kim creates moments of eternal contemplation, reminding us to look inwards just as we look out.
Able Fine Art NY Gallery has a long history of introducing exceptional emerging and established international artists to the New York audience. By recognizing young talents that retain and embrace traditions yet express them through original and exciting voices, Able Fine Art NY Gallery seeks to create a bridge between times and cultures.
Able Fine Art NY Gallery, 143B Orchard Street, NY, NY 10002
Hours: Weds.-Sun. 11-6, for more information contact [email protected] or call 212-477- 1188.