Day by Day: 1968

Florida Museum of Photographic Arts

Oct. 1, 2024 - Dec. 30, 2018

400 N. Ashley Drive Cube 200
Tampa, 33602
PHONE 813.221.2222

TAMPA, Fla.— The Florida Museum of Photographic Arts will exhibit Day by Day: 1968, from October 1, 2018 – December 30, 2018.

The exhibition presents 366 vintage black and white news photographs from a private
collection, one made on each day of 1968. All of the images are original press images, taken from newspapers and other popular media; this exhibition gives a chronological account of each day in 1968. Each single image represents the people, events, and passions of 1968.

Day by Day: 1968 tells the story of perhaps one of the most tumultuous years in the 20th century. The year 1968 was a time of great social and political revolution in America. FMoPA is presenting a time capsule that allows you to step back in time and see such events as the Vietnam War and the Space Race as they appeared at the time.

“We feel so privileged to be able to bring recognition to the past, through a present exhibition that shows the transformative and challenging year in our history,” said Executive Director Zora Carrier, Ph.D. “Our guests will be able to experience the impact of the countless life-changing moments that define that year, as if they were viewing the original press pieces for the first time.”

Day by Day: 1968 will be on view during regular museum operating hours and is included in the general admission fee. To learn more about this exhibition and other programming at the museum, visit

FMoPA | Florida Museum of Photographic Arts | Tampa, Florida

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