Convergence: Digital Media and Technology

Schneider Museum of Art

Apr. 6, 2025 - May. 27, 2017

1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, 97520
Phone (541) 552-6245

An exhibition co-curated by Richard Herskowitz and Scott Malbaurn in collaboration with the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art (JSMA) and the Ashland Independent Film Festival (AIFF).

Media Art from the JSMA Collection curated by Richard Herskowitz (JSMA Curator of Media Arts  and AIFF Director of Programming) on view in our Treehaven and Heiter Galleries includes works by Nina Katchadourian, Ken Matsubara, Vanessa Renwick, and Peter Sarkisian. Additional works by Allison Cekala, Lou Watson, Derek G. Larson and Julia Oldham on view in our Entry and Main Galleries.

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