Arts Council of Southeast Missouri
Jan. 7, 2025 - Dec. 24, 2018
The Arts Council of Southeast Missouri has partnered with Cape Comic Con to present a special, one-day only exhibition to feature your original “Caped” characters. This is an opportunity to share your original character, whether (s)he is a superhero, super-villain, or if they only dream of being one! Capes are welcome, but not required.
The CAPED! exhibition will be on display at the Osage Centre in Cape Girardeau, Missouri during the 2015 Cape Comic Con on Saturday, April 18th. The artworks will be on display using pins on fabric walls and will not be punctured or framed. Room will be closed during non-display times and supervised while open. Artwork will be judged for awards by guest artist, Lorenzo Lizana, Art Director at Lion Forge Comics.
There is an adult division and a youth division. More information available, including the full prospectus, at the above website.