Born Again – Qionghui Zou Solo Exhibition

Gallery 456

Jul. 9, 2025 - Aug. 7, 2015

456 Broadway, 3rd Fl
New York, New York 10013

Opening Reception: 7/9/2015, Thursday, 6-8pm
Snacks and drinks will be provided at the reception.

Artist Statement:
As one kind of the insects, cicadas have unique pattern of life cycle, and the larva of cicada has to go through a miraculous ecdysis. I am awakened by the continuity and rebirth of its life cycle and take the insect into my life narrative symbol system.The cicadas turn into a life symbol and visual vocabulary of my art, and they also are the signifiers and the phans,which implies the human life metaphorically.

I keep putting these symbols into my works with different colors, different structures and different artistic conceptions using mixed media ways. Some of the cicadas are hidden in the dark, while the others are obvious in the surface.Some of them are concentrated, the others are scattered. The cicadas are just like people in the society, the people’s life condition, their circumstance, their sadness and their destiny, which are just like the cicadas in the paintings. As a result, the images of cicadas are the very images of the human beings and their lives.

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