Avian Skies with artist Kate Coleman

Asheville Gallery of Art

Apr. 1, 2025 - Apr. 30, 2022

82 Patton Ave, Suite 110B
Asheville, 28801
PHONE 828-251-5796


Kate Coleman is the Asheville Gallery of Art’s featured artist for the month of April. Visitors to the gallery will have the entire month to view her outstanding acrylic-on-wood paintings of nature. “Avian Skies” will run from April 1st to April 30th.

April is a lovely month. Winter has passed, the transformation of Spring is upon us, and warmer days are ahead. The fresh skies of Spring flaunt beautiful clouds and ominous storms in the distance. “The colors of paint that I choose are warm and bright, echoing the Spring colors that are emerging in nature. In creating this body of work, I focused on birds and the amazing skies of Spring.”
Kate Coleman can’t remember a time when she wasn’t an artist. “I believe that all children are artists, and I never grew out of it.” After Kate received her degree in Fine Art, she went on to design and create a studio pottery line with her husband. Upon discovery that she and her daughter share a passion for painting, Kate began her newest creative journey. She began on this path of mixed-media due to her passion for nature and her love of painting, and through this journey, she has found herself immersed in painting her unique portraits of birds and nature.

Defining them by more than simple appearance, Kate goes further by layering information, sourced by vintage books and maps, onto each specific piece. She searches used bookstores to find vintage books on birds and nature, and using the pages to apply visual texture to her paints, she applies more information specifically to each piece. The result is a very unique combination of visual texture and defining text, which presents a unique work. Her painted portraits of birds and nature are completed in acrylic paint on wood panels, and she often creates frames that further identify and explain each piece. Giving a warmth and light to each piece she creates, she attempts to reveal the true character of each distinctive image.

Kate’s painting of “The Peacock” is mixed media, acrylic, feathers, and book pages on wood. “I love the dramatic opening of the peacock’s feathers. This unique bird brings beauty to the world.”
“The Tanagers” is a 24 X 52 piece in mixed media, acrylic, book pages and wood. “The male and female Scarlet Tanagers’ differences in color intrigues me. I truly enjoy spotting this beautiful bird from time to time.”

On “Sunset in the Blue Ridge Mountains”, a work in acrylic, “This is a common scene from my home – the Red-Tailed Hawk with mobbing crows. Sunsets here are striking and each one is unique.”
Visitors to the Asheville Gallery of Art will be able to view Kate’s show from April 1st through April 30th in downtown Asheville, NC. Kate will be present for a special event on First Friday, April 1st, to meet the artist from 5pm-8pm.

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