Art ∩ Math

Center on Contemporary Art

Mar. 1, 2024 - Apr. 14, 2018

114 Third Avenue South
Seattle, 98104
PHONE 206-728-1980

“Art ​∩ ​Math” ​explores art that is influenced by math and mathematical ideas to make these ideas more vivid.

Mathematics is the study of structure, number, pattern, and shape; though abstract, it has influenced art for centuries. Today, math and art are exploring bold new realms. The power of their insights and effects on each other provides opportunities to be delighted by seeing new connections hiding in plain sight. Seattle’s
Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA) presents Art ∩ Math, (Art intersect Math), an exhibit that explores the intersection of artistic expression and mathematical ideas​. Art ∩ Math​ runs from March 1 through April 14, 2018.

Mathematics is a fresh lens to understand art: reckoning with chaos, algorithms, equivalence, topology, geometry and other mathematics tools to helps us see art and the world with more depth. A diverse selection of media will be featured in the exhibit from artists and mathematicians including sculpture and oil paint, to textile and metalwork.

Mathematician artists include: Jayadev Athreya, Katherine Cook, Erik and Martin Demaine, Edmund Harriss, and Hamid Naderi Yeganeh. Visual artists who use mathematical principles in their practices include Rachel Holloway, Claire B. Jones, George Legrady, Jean Mandeberg, Savina Mason, Suchitra Mattai, June Sekiguchi, Timea Tihanyi/Sliprabbit, Lun Yi Tsai, and Ilana Zweschi.

The exhibit is the brainchild of CoCA Board Member and Artist, Kate Vrijmoet, and mathematician educators Katherine Cook and Dr. Dan Finkel. In addition to curatoring Art ∩ Math, Finkel and Cook also run Math for Love, a Seattle-based organization focused on transforming how mathematics is taught and learned. They also designed the mathematical board games Prime Climb and Tiny Polka Dot, and created the summer curriculum used by Seattle Public Schools.

An exhibit book will accompany the exhibit and artwork, books, posters, and games will be for sale. Events include a Pi Day presentation, The Beauty of Math, March 14 at 6:30pm with Finkel and Cook. Dance performance of necessary and sufficient, by Katherine Cook, on March 30 and 31—a conversation between the embodied human and mathematical structure, exploring how pattern and form emerges from and becomes sustained by dancers. The exhibit closes with a Gathering for Gardner event on April 14 at 2pm. The curators will be in attendance at the public opening reception
during Pioneer Square Artwalk on Thursday, March 1, 6-9pm. This exhibit is made possible with support from Gathering for Gardner, the Julia Robinson Math Festival, University of Washington Mathematics Department, and Rock’s Studio.

Calendar Listing:
Art ∩ Math: ​Exhibition opens March 1 – April 14, 2018.
Opening Reception on Thursday, March 1, 6pm – 9pm, as part of Pioneer Square Art Walk.

Artists’ Events: Pi Day: Curators will present on The Beauty of Math March 14, 6:30 pm
Dance performances of necessary and sufficient, March 30, 31 at 7:00pm
Gathering for Gardner, April 14, 2018 at 2 pm.

To RSVP, please visit the event page at
Exhibition and events at CoCA in Pioneer Square: 114 Third Avenue South, Seattle, 98104.
Gallery hours are Thursday – Saturday, 10am – 5pm

CoCA Seattle

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