“All Women” 2020 Art Exhibition Winning Artists Announced

Light Space & Time Online Art Exhibition

Jan. 1, 2024 - Jan. 31, 2020

PO Box 4236
Palm Springs, 92263


Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery is pleased to announce that its January 2020 art exhibition, the 9th Annual “All Women” Online Art Exhibition is now posted on its website and can be viewed online. This art exhibition competition had an open theme and was for women artists only.

The gallery received and judged 1,047 entries from 34 different countries and from 354 different states and the District of Columbia. The gallery also selected artists for Special Merit and Special Recognition awards as well. Congratulations to the following artists who have been designated as this month’s overall winning artists of the 9th Annual “All Women” Online Art Exhibition.

1st Place – Cheryl Magellen – “Flying Geckos” – http://www.cmagellen.com/
2nd Place – Hannah Li – “Wishes of the Mani Wheel” – [email protected]
3rd Place – Shelley Benjamin – “Night View” – https://artboja.com/art/w6ytal/
4th Place – Lisa Ann Watkins – “Polar Reflection” – http://www.animalartbylaw.co.uk/
5th Place – Irene Sirko – “A Matter of Degree” – http://www.irenesirko.com/
6th Place – Clara Sandu – “Tetris Fantasy” – https://ccs033.wixsite.com/clarart
7th Place – Lizabeth Castellano-King – “Montauk Pier II” – [email protected]
8th Place – Patti Bradeis – “Sidetracked” – https://belovedportraitsbypatti.com/
9th Place – Suzanne Gibbs – “Facing It (Cancer)” – www.artbysuzannebgibbs.com
10th Place – Merana Cadorette – “Sunrise Flight” – http://www.merana.com/

The 9th Annual “All Women” Online Art Exhibition can be accessed online the following link: https://www.lightspacetime.art/all-women-art-exhibition-january-2020/.

Each month Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery conducts themed online art competitions and online art exhibitions for 2D and 3D artists on a worldwide basis. All participating winners of each competition have their artwork exposed and promoted online through the gallery and social media to thousands of guest visitors each month.

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