African Contemporary by Jonathan Jackson

Fort Worth Community Arts Center

Sep. 6, 2024 - Sep. 26, 2019

1300 Gendy St
Fort Worth,

September 7 – September 26, 2019

FALL GALLERY NIGHT RECEPTION: Saturday, September 7, 2019 @ 6 PM – 9 PM

“The paintings being shown are from an on going series that I started in 2016, when I started studying different indigenous sculptures and cultures, I fell in love in with the meanings and the storytelling, to celebrate the new found love, I created paintings of where my imagination went when I was reading about the cultures. This particular exhibition of paintings are based on studies of various African sculptures and culture. What I am hoping to accomplish with this series is by using the particular subject matter is to create a interest in the viewer to be more inclined to go spend more time in the artifacts section of art museums, because if we understand the art of the past it helps us understand and create art for the future.”

-Jonathan Jackson

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