Museum Collection and Events

Richmond Art Museum

Mar. 2, 2024 - Dec. 31, 2023

350 Hub Etchison Pkwy
Richmond, 47374
Phone: (765) 966-0256

From the website “The Richmond Art Museum has a number of artworks by American Impressionists from the late 19th and 20th Century including William Merritt Chase, Childe Hassam, Robert Reid and Guy Wiggins to name a few. In 1899, the museum acquired its first painting for a permanent collection and began acquiring works thereafter annually.

In 1910, John White Alexander, then President of the National Academy, met with a reporter from the New York Times who asked him what he thought about the prospect for art in America. Alexander responded, “Have you ever been to Richmond, Indiana? No? Never even heard of it? A good many persons don’t know the name but all artists do. Richmond has one of the best exhibitions in this country. I wish New York could compare with it.””

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