22 in 22 – Modernism and its Influences in the collection of the Museu Mineiro

Museu Mineiro

Feb. 22, 2024 - Feb. 22, 2022

Rua João Pinheiro, 342
Belo Horizonte, 30130-180


In celebration of the centenary of the 1922 Modern Art Week, one of the landmarks of the Modernist Movement in Brazil, the Minas Gerais State Department of Culture and Tourism (Secult), through the Museums Directorate, and sponsored by the CDL BH and CDL Cultural Point, launched on Tuesday ( 22/2), the exhibition “22 in 22 – Modernism and its influences on the collection of the Museu Mineiro”. Comprised of works from the institution’s collection, by artists who sought to value an essentially national culture and break with current traditionalism, the exhibition can be visited, free of charge, until March 27.

There are 22 canvases by artists such as Tarsila do Amaral, Volpi, Yara Tupinambá, Inimá de Paula, Guignard, Carlos Scliar, Fernando Pierucetti, among others. Result of a movement dedicated to renewing national artistic production, with freedom of forms and themes, connected to the Brazilian reality.

The Secretary of Culture and Tourism, Leônidas Oliveira, emphasizes the importance of celebrating the Modern Art Week today, and in Minas. “Minas Gerais was also an inspiration for the modernist movement in the country, which, in the 1920s, traveled across the state for a “rediscovery” of Brazil. Proposing a new aesthetic, cultural, artistic and avant-garde thinking, paradoxically in relation to the European movement, in Brazil it was turned towards itself, in search of its cultural, historical and social essence, so multiple, but unique in its many accents and different ways of being just one: Brazilian. The nationalist euphoria will, then, mark modern art and architecture in Brazil and influence the entire 20th century, until the present day”, he says.

The exhibition shows the relationships, influences and differences between the 22 works by the selected artists and some of the main European avant-gardes (Expressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Surrealism and Abstractionism).

Another important highlight is the accessibility proposal for the deaf public: all the content of the exhibition will have explanatory videos in Libras, the Brazilian Sign Language. The videos can be accessed via cell phone through QR Codes that will be spread throughout the exhibition environment. The initiative is the result of a partnership between the Minas Gerais Department of Culture and Tourism with the Minas Gerais Startups Acceleration Program (SEED) and the State Department of Economic Development (SEDE), within the Reviva Turismo Program. SignumWeb was the startup responsible for creating the Libras accessibility project at the Mineiro Museum.

Since November 2021, visitors to the long-term exhibition at the Minas Gerais Museum “Minas das Artes, Histórias Gerais” can now access the contents of the show in Libras. Just scan the QR Codes of the exhibition rooms to have access to all the videos. With this, sign language is taken to Culture and Tourism, bringing more autonomy to the deaf public.

The director of Museums, Alexandre Milagres, highlights the importance of commemorating this centenary and the wealth of its own collection. “The exhibition ’22 in 22 – Modernism and its influences on the collection of the Museu Mineiro’ exclusively exhibits pieces from the Museum’s collection, a very rich set of modernist works, some never shown before, allowing the viewer to know a relevant part of the cultural trajectory of Minas Gerais told through the imagery production of artists, especially from the 20th century”, he says.

It is important to highlight that the Secretary of State for Culture and Tourism started the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Week of Modern Art in November 2021, with the exhibition “Alfredo Ceschiatti – Modern Cuts”, which is also on display until March, at Palácio da Liberdade.

Please visit: http://www.circuitoliberdade.mg.gov.br/pt-br/espacos-br/museu-mineiro

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