Zoom lecture, The 50 Best Paintings in NYC

Greenwich Art Society

Jun. 7, 2021, 04:30 pm

299 Greenwich Avenue
PHONE 203 629-1533


The Greenwich Art Society’s Art History Lecture Series via Zoom presents “The 50 Best Paintings in NYC”

Monday June 7th 4:30-5:30 pm

Everyone knows that New York City is home to many of the greatest paintings in the world….but what are the best of the best? This (opinionated) lecture takes you on a visual journey through many museums and other venues to see the paintings most experts consider among the finest works of art ever created.

Art Appreciation Lecture

Suzanne Altman is an artist, art instructor and art historian who lectures and teaches widely throughout the tristate area. Her subjects include exhibitions currently showing in the NY area, museums in the US and around the world, explorations of important art movements etc. She has a painting studio in Ossining NY and shows her work frequently

Registration on our website www.greenwichartsociety.org

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