The Avon Arts Association Hosting Free Artists Demo
Avon Arts Association
Oct. 18, 2016, 07:00 pm
The Avon Arts Association will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday October 18 ,2016 7:00 pm in Avon Town Hall, Building #1, 60 West Main St, Avon CT, 06001.
Artist Diana Lyn Cote will demonstrate techniques using Paintstiks.
Using an oil paint medium very much like oversized crayons call Paintstiks, Diana has perfected a unique application known as the “Cote Squiggle”. This technique eventually leads to a visual weaving of layers of lines into a textural tapestry that is both subtle and richly elegant. The focus of her work is understanding how to apply colors to recreate subtle or dramatic effects of light, and applying them in her unique way. Diana has been working as a professional artist, showing her work for nearly three decades with a diverse following of both corporate and private collectors.
The demo is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Diana will conduct a subsequent workshop on Saturday Oct 22 from 9:30 am to 2 pm at the same location. Workshop fee $35 for members, $45 for guests.