Spring Photography Seminar with John Paul Caponigro
Photography Center of Cape Cod
Apr. 18, 2015, 09:00 am
Announcing CCAA/Photography Center of Cape Cod’s
2015 Spring Photography Seminar
featuring John Paul Caponigro
internationally known fine art photographer and Canon Explorer of Light
Photography Center of Cape Cod’s highly regarded and always-sold-out annual series of spring photography seminars continues this April 18th with world-famous fine art photographer John Paul Caponigro, a Canon Explorer of Light, member of the Photoshop Hall of Fame, an Epson Stylus Pro, contributing editor for Digital Photo Pro and Camera Arts, and columnist for Photoshop User, After Capture, and apple.com, author of Adobe Photoshop Master Class (Adobe Press) and the DVD series R/Evolution.
Exhibited internationally, John Paul’s work has been purchased for numerous private and public collections including Princeton University, the Estée Lauder collection, and the Smithsonian.
Whether you’re an enthusiast or professional, this is a photo seminar you shouldn’t miss!
Our full day 9:00-4:00 program is packed with highly informative sessions by John Paul about Illuminating Creativity, Game Changers, Fine Art Digital Printing, Photoshop Color Strategies, Lighting Effects and Q&A periods in which you can seek answers to your own questions. Photo gear will be on sale, too, in our well-stocked vendor area.
Save the date — Saturday, April 18, 2015 — and register early before seats sell out once again (they will at our low $10 registration fee)! Online reservations are open now at www.CapeCodArtAssoc.org