National Museum of American Illustration Collection

The National Museum of American Illustration

Dec. 29, 2027, 12:00 am

492 Bellevue Avenue
PHONE 401-851-8949

National Museum of American Illustration presents the largest collection of American Imagist masterpieces and illustration in the World. The works combine insightful expression with pictorial representation of artists traditionally trained at fine art schools.

Illustrations are generally art works created to be reproduced in books, advertisements, periodicals, and in the new media. Unlike gallery art, illustration includes dictated parameters: esthetics by assignment, publishing deadlines, specified subject matter, dimensions and format.

Illustration is a commercial tool used to communicate, clarify and define our understanding of a product. Because of its relation to mercantile, military, and political applications, illustration also gives insight to social and cultural history providing a visual record of our American civilization.

For more information visit the National Museum of American Illustration web site.

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