Pysanky: Ancient Art of Egg Decorating Workshop

Art Center Killingworth

Apr. 13, 2014, 01:00 am

276 North Parker Hill Road
(860) 663-5593

Pysanky: Ancient Art of Egg Decorating Workshop
Date: Sunday, April 13th
Time: 1-4pm
Price: $35 + $7 material fee
Learn the art of Pysanky, the ancient Eastern European art of egg decorating using wax resist method (similar to batik). Arguably the most famous versions come from Ukraine, the name derives from the verb “to write,” as you use a stylus (called kistka) to write with wax on an egg shell. Use a variety of colored dyes to create a brilliantly colored and often intricately designed work of art. Wonderful as a decorative piece for owns home or as a gift – bringing as much joy to the artist as to the recipient!

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