Portrait Party

Sebastopol Center for the Arts

Jul. 17, 2019, 05:00 pm

282 S. High Street
PHONE 707 829 4797


At this party artists will gather in small groups and everyone will take a turn sitting for their group, starting with 1-minute poses and following with up to 10 minute poses. See yourself through the eyes of a variety of artists, make some new friends, and feel free to exchange portraits or at least photos/jpgs. It’s all in fun!

Bring your own art supplies, and wear distinctive clothing and hats to make it easier for people to sketch you. We’ll supply the chairs and some direction to get you started. All sketchers, beginners to pros, are welcome.

Meets in the auditorium. Suggested donation of $10.
Facilitated by Susan Cornelis, [email protected], questions welcome.

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