Photographing Your Work with John Raleigh
Newburyport Art Association
Jan. 23, 2018, 07:00 pm
Every artist is now faced with creating digital images of his or her artwork for a website, social media posting, show entry, or application to a creative organization. In this workshop we will focus on practical solutions to achieving good results with commonly available materials and lighting sources. Participants will learn how to recognize a good result and overcome common problems associated with the process. Topics will include parallax correction, color correction, eliminating shadows and highlights, use of varying lighting sources, and various kinds of equipment available to aid the artist. Digital image sizing will be discussed and demonstrated and digital image formats and resolution will also be reviewed relative to submitting images to organizations and shows. Participants will have a chance to participate in a hands-on practical exercise to support topics discussed in the workshop. The goal of the workshop will be to help participants to understand the various elements that contribute to successful artwork photography and be able to apply what they’ve learned.