Mountainous Terrain Prize

Passive Terrain Press

Feb. 26, 2015, 11:59 pm

98 south walnut street

Subject Matter
All poems, short stories, and/or artwork submitted must tie in nature in some form.



First Place – $30.00
Second Place – $20.00
Third Place – $10.00
Short Story (Fiction/Non-Fiction):

First Place – $30.00
Second Place – $20.00
Third Place – $10.00

First Place: $30.00
Second Place: $20.00
Third Place: $10.00
The first place poem, short story, and art piece, will be featured on the website and include the author’s/artist’s bio, picture, and a link to the author’s personal social platform of choice. The winners will also be published with their own individual chapbook through Passive Terrain Press. The second and third place winners will have their names listed on the Passive Terrain website with an honorable mention.

Any and all submissions will be given consideration for inclusion in the Mountainous Terrain Review literary and art journal.

Entries must be submitted between Thursday, December 4th, 2014 and Tuesday, March 31st, 2015. Entries submitted after Tuesday, March 31st, 2015, will not be considered and deleted, unread.

A $2.00 reading fee must be sent for each submission, (be it poetry, short story, or art work, to be considered. Please make the payment via PayPal to: [email protected]; include the transaction ID in the email with your attached submissions. A maximum of 3 submissions per person is allowed.

Guidelines for Short Story Submissions
All works must be original and typed in 12 point Times New Roman Font at 8,000 words or less, with single-spacing. All submissions must tie in the theme of nature in some form. Both Fiction and Non-Fiction works are accepted. If submitting flash fiction, the rules are the same as fiction except with a 1,000 words or less rule.

The writers’ name should not appear anywhere in or on the document, and must be in .doc, .docx, or pdf form. Please use one inch margins all around the document, with page numbers in the bottom right corner of each page. By submitting your work to Passive Terrain Press, you are allowing the press non-exclusive rights electronically for one calendar year based on the date of your submission, (please link Passive Terrain Press website). You are also giving Passive Terrain Press indefinite electronic archival, and non-exclusive anthology rights. Any and all other rights revert back to the author. At this time, Passive Terrain Press does not accept snail-mail; this will be changing in the very near future.

If any piece submitted is later published, please credit both Passive Terrain Press and The Mountainous Terrain Review.

Each submission should have a cover letter attached that includes: the writer’s name, complete mailing address, email address, phone number, and title of piece. Please attach a short bio of 100 words or less, as well.

Please note: only 3 submissions per person are allowed.

Guidelines for Poetry Submissions
You may submit up to 5 poems or no more than 10 pages of poetry. Each poem must have a maximum of 40 lines. All poems must be original and written only in English; translations or poems entirely in another language than English are not accepted. For any poems longer than one page, use a page numbering header with the title of the poem and the page number on the bottom right side of the page; please make note on whether the stanza continues or not. By submitting your work to Passive Terrain Press, you are allowing the press non-exclusive rights electronically for one calendar year based on the date of your submission, (please link Passive Terrain Press website). You are also giving Passive Terrain Press indefinite electronic archival, and non-exclusive anthology rights. Any and all other rights revert back to the author. At this time, Passive Terrain Press does not accept snail-mail; this will be changing in the very near future.

If any piece submitted is later published, please credit both Passive Terrain Press and The Mountainous Terrain Review.

Each submission should have a cover letter attached that includes: the writer’s name, complete mailing address, email address, phone number, and title of piece. Please attach a short bio of 100 words or less, as well.

Please note: only 3 submissions per person are allowed.

Guidelines for Art Submissions
Works submitted (paintings, collages, line drawings, photos, etc.) should be clean originals or digital files. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines: 300 dpi or higher; sized to fit on journal page; EPS, TIFF, or PSD format only; and submitted as separate files, not embedded in text files. If you are unsure of how to properly submit these files or are unsure of your dpi rates, please visit this informational link, provided by The Chicago University Press.

If any piece submitted is later published, please credit both Passive Terrain Press and The Mountainous Terrain Review.

Each submission should have a cover letter attached that includes: the writer’s name, complete mailing address, email address, phone number, and title of piece. Please attach a short bio of 100 words or less, as well.

Please note: only 3 submissions per person are allowed.

You must be 17 years of age or older to enter this contest. All interested applicants, no matter their writing or artistic experience, are strongly encourage to apply.

Where to Submit
Please submit all works to [email protected] with the following format:

For writing submissions: Lastname_Genre_SubmissionTitle (ex: Cutright_NonFiction_GaleTheWild)

For art submissions: Lastname_Genre_SubmissionTitle (ex: Cutright_PaperCollage_Adventure)

Any submissions received that do not follow the above guidelines will be immediately disqualified, unread, and deleted.

Submission Fees
All submission fees can be paid via the PayPal link provided.

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