Mark Making and the Emotional Response Workshop
The Norwalk Art Space
Nov. 20, 2021, 12:00 pm
Open to high school students at no charge.
We were all born artists. We learned to make marks with our crayons when we were little, sometimes we stayed in the lines, sometimes we went wild with color. We didn’t give any thought to what we were making, we just did it. As we get older, we lose this intrinsic quality- the art of play. We tend to overthink instead of responding to how we are feeling. In this 3-hour workshop, Kelly Rossetti will lead you through a series of exercises that explore mark making, the emotional responses these marks elicit, and the importance of play in the beginning of a painting. We will discuss basic elements of abstract compositions, questions you should be asking yourself throughout the painting process and how accidents can actually be beneficial in our work.