Letterpress Printmaking – Holiday Cards Weekend Workshop at Montserrat College of Art

Montserrat College of Art Gallery

Nov. 7, 2015, 09:00 am

23 Essex st


Nov 7 & 8 | Sat & Sun 9AM – 4PM

Price: $200

In this two day letterpress class students will learn the basics of hand typesetting, letterpress terminology, fundamentals of letterpress printing as well as what to look for and how to achieve a good final print. We will complete two projects, the first being a collaborative, group print as we gain a feel for the process. Each student will take the knowledge they have learned to complete the second project, a folded greeting card of their design. Each student will leave with a minimum of 12 greeting cards.

Prerequisite:none required – an enthusiasm for letterpress!
Price: $200, non–credit

For questions, please contact the Continuing Education Office at 978.921.4242 x 1202 or [email protected]

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