International Slow Art Day

Hofstra University Museum of Art

Apr. 15, 2023, 12:00 pm

112 Hofstra University
PHONE 516-463-5672

Saturday, April 15, 2023, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Emily Lowe Gallery, Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus

Join Museum staff for a slow look at works of art in the exhibition When We All Stand. The average museum visitor spends less than 30 seconds with each work of art. International Slow Art Day is a grassroots movement to support museums and art galleries around the world by empowering museum visitors to change their art-viewing experience. We invite you to engage in mindful looking and stay with individual pieces of art to allow for deeper reflection and a greater understanding of the work.

Limited to 15 people. Admission is $15 for the public and free for Museum members. A light lunch will be provided.

RSVP required 516.463.5672

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