Gallatin Art Crossing

Bozeman Sculpture Park

Aug. 20, 2027, 12:00 am

626 E. Main Street

The Gallatin Art Crossing is excited to announce our Annual Reception and Celebration on Thursday, August 20th behind the Bozeman Public Library in the Bozeman Sculpture Park at 5:30pm. This Reception is open to the public and is a celebration of our community effort as a unique outdoor sculpture exhibit. Located in downtown Bozeman, Montana, the exhibit hosts a variety of artwork, introducing viewers to many artistic approaches. Sculptures will remain downtown to be displayed for a minimum of one year. One of the goals of the Art Crossing program is to add at least one piece to the permanent collection every year. In addition to helping artists display and market their work, the Gallatin Art Crossing connects the public to an open voting opportunity through for the selection of the People’s Choice award every year.

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