Final Push Fundraising Party

Weaving Workshops

Feb. 27, 2015, 06:00 pm

1001 Main St.

Weaving Workshop with Ruben Marroquin is hosting a Final Push Fundraising Party on February 27th from 5-9pm at the Arcade Mall in downtown Bridgeport, CT 1001 Main St. 2nd floor.
We are thrilled with our fundraising efforts so far and are asking you to help us reach our goal.
At the event, in the beautiful historic Arcade Mall, there will be drinks, snacks, & artisans performing their crafts, such as weaving and screenprinting. You can support the artist Ruben Marroquin that day. Neighboring storefront Paradox Ink will be donating 50% of its proceeds to the Weaving Workshop campaign.

Ruben Marroquin is a textile artist and weaving instructor with a storefront at the historic Arcade Mall in downtown Bridgeport. Ruben has launched a fundraising campaign called Weaving Workshops on Indiegogo to help with the cost of materials & equipment in order to build a more sustainable business that has community empowerment at its core. The Weaving Workshop Campaign has 30 days to reach its goal, so the time is NOW to donate! With your donation, you will become an integral part of important arts education and cultural contribution. In exchange for your contribution we are offering unique woven and screenprinted goods as well as collage and original drawings as perks. Take a look at the campaign to learn more:

Visit to see the unique contemporary fiber art Ruben has made and help continue to support the ongoing artistic exploration Ruben is partaking in. Ruben Marroquin’s weaving Workshop is located on the 2nd floor mezzanine of the Arcade Mall at 1001 Main St. Bridgeport, CT 06604

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