Fashion I Week

Arts Center Killingworth

Jul. 14, 2014, 09:00 am

276 North Parker Hill Road
(860) 663-5593

Fashion I Week
(July 14-18) (Ages 11-16. 9am-5:30pm; $350)
Mornings are spent learning fashion illustration while afternoons focus on sewing and clothing design. On the last day, parents and relatives are invited to celebrate as their fashionistas walk the runway after professional styling and a photo shoot! In this year’s Fashion I, learn to read, pin and cut a pattern of your choice. NOTE: Fashion Weeks require early registration since this program fills. No prerequisite necessary for Fashion Week II. Watch a video online from Shore Publishing about Fashion Weeks here. Read more as featured in Area Summer Camps: For an Unforgettable Summer by Shore Publishing here. Registration form available at

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