DELVE: Architecture + Art

MEx (Metropolitan Exchange)

Dec. 9, 2014, 07:00 pm

33 Flatbush Ave. 6th Floor. Brooklyn, NY 11217

DELVE: Architecture + Art
Speakers: Vasia Markides and Bill Washabaugh
Location: MEx, 33 Flatbush Ave, 6th Floor Brooklyn
Date: Tuesday, 12/9/14
Time: 7-9pm
Tickets: $10 (includes drinks and snacks), Link to Tickets
Co-Hosts: The Color Machine

Join us on 12/9 for DELVE: Architecture + Art at MEx in Brooklyn form 7-9. DELVE: Architecture + Art is a networking event for all artists, creatives, designers, architects, art professionals, urban planners, lovers of the city, art and design enthusiasts and all your friends and neighbors. The goal of DELVE events are to celebrate and discover everyone’s unique paths as artistic and creative forces. It’s a chance to learn from others and see where our worlds overlap. Each event begins with presentations by inspiring individuals, followed by complimentary drinks and meeting new people.

Speakers Vasia Markides and Bill Washabaugh will start the night off with presentations about their work and paths as artists and creators. Vasia Markides is an artist, filmmaker and video journalist who founded the Famagusta EcoCity Project, a growing movement in Cyprus to transform an occupied ghost city into Europe’s model Ecocity and center for peace and reconciliation. Bill Washabaugh is an an artist, aerospace engineer, roboticist, designer, and maker from Hypersonic, a collaborative studio blending art, design, engineering, technology, and architecture to create ground breaking sculptures, machines, and interactive experiences based in Brooklyn.

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