Closing Reception

Kehler Liddell Gallery

Mar. 12, 2023, 04:00 pm

873 Whalley Avenue
PHONE 203 389-9555

7th Annual Juried Show: Light
In the dark of winter, we seek light – a flame to warm us, a torch to carry. This year, the artists at Kehler Liddell Gallery ask you to join us in offering illumination. We look to you for a ray of sunshine, a path of enlightenment, a spark. Set us ablaze with candles and lanterns, provide a flash of brilliance to absorb and reflect on, elucidate something by making visible that which is obscure. Bring a little levity to lighten the mood and our hearts. Winter maybe be dim, and we all cast shadow, these things we know. But please – in any media or mode you shine in – give us something to help light our way.

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