Art Education Thesis Exhibition Reception
Montserrat College of Art
Nov. 30, 2016, 05:00 pm
The Art Education Program of Montserrat College and the Practicum students are pleased to present the artworks of their students in this annual celebration of their Pre-K–12 Initial Licensure requirements. On View: December 5 – 15, 2016
The exhibition features works on paper and mixed, traditional and digital media, in two and three dimensions, representing a selection of visual arts projects produced in the context of art classes assisted or taught by Montserrat Practicum students.The work featured in this exhibition is an intimate look at the time Practicum students have spent educating and supporting youth in public school systems while completing their Pre-K–12 Initial Licensure requirements. The practicum internship consists of 300 hours of classroom experience usually completed in the Fall semester from September to December. Students enrolled in the program work with students in visual arts classes in a school of their choice, under the professional guidance of their Supervising Practitioner.