Adventures in Watercolor Classes

Arts Center Killingworth

Apr. 21, 2014, 10:00 am

276 North Parker Hill Road
(860) 663-5593

Adventures in Watercolor Classes
Mondays: April 21st; 28th; May 5th, 12th, 19th. Makeup June 2nd
Time: 10:00-12:30.
Price: $160.00
Led by veteran illustrator, artist, and teacher Bill Colrus, students learn the basics from info on paints, papers, brushes, and procedures to techniques such as wet-in-wet, dry brush, spattering, and washes. Progressed to the intuitive side of watercolor such as knowing when to stop, painting loose, spotting, “happy accidents,” finding inspiration, and insight into styles. Work from life, photos, or imagination. Smaller class size allows more opportunity for one-on-one and catering to various levels of development. Beginners and more experienced welcome.
Materials information will be supplied at sign-up.

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