50th Anniversary Celebration for The Center – Virtual Art Throwdown & Auction

The Center for Contemporary Art

Oct. 23, 2020, 12:00 pm

2020 Burnt Mills Road
PHONE 908.234.2345


The “Virtual Art Throwdown” consists of five teaching artists from The Center competing in a fast-paced and friendly competition creating an original work of art using mystery items selected by attendees. The teaching artists competing will be Joseph Castronnova, Helen Marie Farrant, Andrea Gianchiglia, Wendy Hallstrom, Oscar Peterson and Wes Sherman will be the master of ceremonies. Guests and the general public will have the chance to bid on the artwork made during the event and work by The Center’s faculty and other artists from The Center. Bidding begins on Friday, October 16th at 12 Noon E.D.T. The event is free but guests must R.S.V.P. to receive the Zoom link for the evening.

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