First Street Green Art Park

Entry Deadline: Apr. 23

33 East First Street
New York, NY 10003
PHONE 718.440.2296


NEW YORK April 10, 2018 – Centre-fuge and First Street Green Art Park invite you to submit a mural proposal for the Spring Murals in First Street Green Art Park in the Lower East Side, NYC. First Street Green in cooperation with NYC Department of Parks and Recreation calls for mural submissions for the eastern plywood walls facing Houston Street in First Park. Artists of all mediums are invited to propose a mural idea for consideration by the FSG Curators.

Mural Prompt: “WASTELAND”

Picture a time in the not-so-distant future – a “post human” era of apocalyptic proportion. According to geologists, we now live in the Anthropocene, an era marked by disastrous human impact on the atmosphere, plant and animal species and irreversible damage to the Earth’s oceans. What would a “post human” era look like? Would the Earth irredeemably continue as a toxic wasteland or would nature triumph once more over all traces of humanity?

Selected artists are provided with a $75 Materials Stipend
Mural dimensions range from 8’x8’ to 20’x8’
Mural installation mid-May
Murals will be on view for 3 months

Email submissions to [email protected]

Acceptable Mural Submission include the following:

1. Name
2. Sketch/image of proposed mural (No larger than 72 dpi/ppi)
3. Approximate Dimensions
4. URL to representative samples of prior work

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