Trestle Gallery

Entry Deadline: Sep. 30

850 3rd Ave, Suite 411
Brooklyn, NY 11232

Trestle Gallery is pleased to announce a new open call opportunity for site-specific projects for The Wall. Trestle Gallery will select 4 artists (or artistic collaborators/collectives) for the 2020 calendar year to execute a site-specific drawing, painting, or installation on our 8 x 10.25 foot entrance wall at our 850 3rd Avenue location. These projects will remain on view for approximately 2 months, with an opening reception that coincides with our other gallery programming. Applications are open to all artists (NY-based or otherwise) but selected artists must be available to install and deinstall their own projects. Trestle will provide a modest stipend to help cover expenses related to the production of the work. Selected artists will be notified in the Fall of 2019.

Trestle Gallery

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