Taking Turns
Gallery Gomez
Entry Deadline: Mar. 14
Deadline: March 14th
Show will run from March 27-April 24th
www.gomezarts.org/ @GOmezarts_ / https://www.facebook.com/aboutmichelle/
Gallery Gomez is hosting a spring time art show on March 27, 2020. Gallery Gomez hosts the GOmez Arts Non profit which, is a 501c3 founded in 2018 by artist Michelle Gomez and Lauren Freeman. GOmez Arts aims to make art for all and creating space for aspiring, young artists.
The March show “Taking Turns” explores the role citizens play in our community and celebrates those who find ways to serve their communities in creative ways. It’s a celebration and study of our power to create change, engage others and make the most of our gifts.
Your Portfolio:
– 1-3 images of new work (not shown before) and social media information that pertains to the theme of the show.
– Include Date, Medium, Dimensions and Price of Artwork.
– Include a short statement about yourself and how your piece reflects the theme.
Submission fee: $20
Submission fees will go towards funding the GOmez Arts NonProfit Program. We will send instructions on how to submit fee, all you need to do is send us an email.
If you are interested or have any questions, feel free to email us!