Pretty in Pink
treat gallery
Entry Deadline: Jul. 25
treat gallery is excited to announce our open call: “Pretty in Pink.”
“From the rosy tint of wind-reddened cheeks to the first flush of arousal, from cherry blossoms to PeptoBismol, pink is a sweet, intimate, fragile and sickening shade. Few colors trigger more contradictory associations and emotions–tender, childish, plastic, pornographic–or are so symbolic of both high and low culture. Pink is sometimes awkward, even embarrassing, but on the other hand it is enjoyed and associated with the idea of beauty.” Artist Barbara Nemitz describes pink as an “exposed color in contemporary art and culture.”
Pink is a color that invites opinion. Visually, pink is a pale tint of red. Traditionally, it is often associated with femininity, tenderness, sweetness and romance. A pastel pink often symbolizes childhood and innocence, whereas a shade of bold or hot pink links to eroticism and seduction. For this online feature, we invite artists of all mediums to submit pink works for consideration.
Please apply through this form:
Deadline to apply is Saturday, July 25th at 11:59pm EST.