Times Square

Six Summit Gallery

Entry Deadline: Dec. 10

625 8th Ave
New York City, NY 10109
PHONE 917.573.0029


Times Square NYC- NEW GALLERY:
SSG has already installed 30 pieces of art and sculpture on the second floor. We are encouraging large art and wonderful proactive artists who will help turn this extraordinary opportunity into a must see location in NYC. This gallery will be enclosed, locked when not open, with a massive sculpture hanging outside on the opposite wall creating a striking and welcoming entrance on ground floor.
Submit entries to [email protected] SUBMISSIONS: All work will be judged by EMAIL ENTRY via [email protected]. You MUST write [YOUR NAME]” IN THE SUBJECT OF EMAIL. YOUR NAME MUST BE THE SAME ON YOUR CREDIT/DEBIT CARD Example: Subject: HIGH LINE SUBMISSION: John Doe. Files must be in .jpg format, 300 dpi, max 900 pixels in any dimension. File name should correspond to the title of the piece. PUT title, medium, artist, price, and size as JPEG FILE EXTENSION NAME.! No accepted work may be removed prior to the show’s conclusion. No work for sale on the property. Sales can be done offsite. Purchases can take place on our website and ongoing. The Show Committee reserves the right to disallow the exhibition of any work or artist, which, in the opinion of the Committee, is considered detrimental to the good public image of the show and its sponsors, art which is too fragile to handle, or which is not accurately represented by the photo submitted. Six Summit Gallery, We reserve the right to photograph work or use submitted images to help yours and our publicity. ENTRY FEES: Easily click on www.sixsummitgallery.com online store and go to PURCHASES- ART/SUBMISSION/TICKETS/EVENTS/ARTIST CALLS section and choose THE DOLLAR AMOUNT THAT CORRESPONDS TO YOUR ENTRY up to 4 submissions for $50 (there is not a description of submission, only a dollar amount, we will know what show it is for) Please call 917-573-0029 with any special situations. Art must be WIRED and ready to hang, very large work is OK, up to 50 pounds ok unless its sculpture QUESTIONS CAN BE EMAILED ONLY TO: [email protected] Include your Call Back Number! DO NOT CALL OR EMAIL PORT AUTHORITY DEADLINE to Submit- Delivery: will be announced. Show duration and gallery hours will be fluid, artists will be up at least one month and we may rotate the shows. We are also looking for some artists to collaborate with media, promote, help, and possibly gallery sit for this once in a lifetime installation. All are subject to the rules and etiquette of our partners and Six Summit Gallery, which will be sent upon acceptance. Opening and closing dates and other info subject to change.

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