Photography: Series and Repetition
SiteBrooklyn Gallery
Entry Deadline: Mar. 14
This show seeks to exhibit the diverse and exciting ways that photographers use sequence and series in their work. Repetition and seriality are built into the every level of photography from the production process, to its aesthetic theory, to the real-life practice of taking pictures. Photographs are often seen as representations or repetitions of reality itself, all while photography itself shapes modern consciousness just as much as it re-creates it. Site:Brooklyn is looking for work that actively engages with all aspects of repetition and series in photography. This might include subject matter, formal qualities, method, presentation, and much else.
Elisabeth Biondi has been an independent curator, writer. Before that she was the Visuals Editor of The New Yorker for 15 years, where she shaped the look of the publication by establishing a group of staff photographers, commissioning both masters and emerging talent. She built the magazine’s reputation for its use of photography, for which it received numerous awards, including two National Magazine Awards. Her independent curation includes Subjective/Objective and Under the Bridge for the New York PhotoFestival and New Yorker Fiction/Real Photography at Steven Kasher Gallery in Chelsea. Most recently she was a judge in the eight-episodes Sky Arts ‘Master of Photography’, which aired in May/June/July of 2018.