Off Center: Second Annual International Ceramic Art Competition
Blue Line Arts
Entry Deadline: May. 3
Second Annual International Ceramic Art Competition:
international artists sharing their vision of ceramic art. Since the first ceramics were created, like Venus of Dolní Věstonice, before 25,000 BCE and pottery vessels that were discovered in Jiangxi, China, which date back to 18,000 BC, people have been fascinated with clay. Here is your opportunity to show what your vision is in ceramics. Our Judge this year will be Michelle Gregor who will be our Susan Cooley Gilliom Artist in Residence in the spring at Blue Line Arts for two weeks. Michelle Gregor sculpts the abstracted human figure in ceramic. Continuing the tradition of artists such as Manuel Neri and Stephen DeStaebler (with whom she worked during her graduate studies), Gregor’s forms apply the free, intuitive impulses of Abstract Expressionism to figurative representation. Her pieces range in dimension from a few inches tall to architectural-scale bronzes, but are unified in their sense of calm,
mass and balance, simultaneously suggesting motion and repose. Perhaps best known as a colorist, her painterly, multi-layered and multi-fired approach to surface endows her sculptures with a sense of depth and the passage of time. Gregor has a Bachelor of Fine
Arts degree from University of California, Santa Cruz and a Master of Fine Arts degree from San Francisco State University. She is a tenured Professor of Art at San Jose City College.
● First Place: $500
● Second Place: $350
● Third Place: $200
Important Dates
Deadline to enter: May 3, 2018
Exhibition Dates: June 8- July 21, 2018
Artist Notification: May 10, 2018
Shipping deadline of work to Blue Line Arts: June 2nd, 2018
Hand deliver work to Blue Line Arts: June 3rd or 4th
from 10 to 3pm
Opening Reception: June 15th, 2018 From 5 PM- 8:30 PM
Pick up unsold work from Blue Line Arts: July 22 and 23, from 10 AM – 3 PM
● Open to artists everywhere!
● All artwork must be original and completed within the last two years
● Artwork cannot have been previously exhibited at Blue Line Arts
● All 2-D works must be ready to hang
● All artwork must be for sale
● Accepted artwork that differs significantly from image in online submission will be disqualified
● No accepted entry may be withdrawn or sold outside of the exhibition prior to the closing date
● Blue Line Arts handles all sales transactions. Non-member artists receive a 50% commission from all gallery sales and members receive a 60% commission
● The artist is responsible to pay for all shipping and will have a prepaid label from UPS, FedEx or US mail for return of artwork
● Size limitations
o Art must be able to enter through the doors with a clearance of 94”h x
o Ceilings in the gallery are 10 feet high
o Nothing over 60 lbs will be accepted
There is a non-refundable entry fee for Off Center show of $35; This covers 3 image uploads; there is a $5/image fee for every additional image upload. Application Requirements: Applicants must apply using the form on the Blue Line
Arts website, You must be 18 years or older to apply. Questions: If you have any questions about submissions, please contact Blue Line Arts staff during open hours at (916) 783-4117 or email Tony at [email protected]