NATURE AND CODE: IN-IL High School Creative Coding Competition at Purdue University

Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries

Entry Deadline: Nov. 17

552 West Wood Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907

The IN-IL Creative Coding Competition is one of three high school student art competitions sponsored by the Purdue Department of Art and Design. This specific competition is co-sponsored by the Departments of Art and Design and Computer Science, as well as Purdue’s Center for the Environment.

The Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries at Purdue University are now accepting submissions for “Nature and Code: IN, IL High School Creative Coding Competition at Purdue University.” This competition seeks digital artworks that address the theme of “Nature and Code” realized in Processing, an open-source programming environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. High school students (individuals or groups of students working collaboratively) in Indiana and Illinois are eligible to enter. The submitted Processing sketches should reflect on how computer code and the natural environment overlap. Works could be inspired by genetically modified organisms, biomimicry, precision agriculture and computer models for weather forecasts, to name only a few examples.

Work must be created with Processing and submitted via OpenProcessing by November 17, 2014. Only one entry per student or student group may be submitted. Accepted work will be presented in the Rueff Galleries online gallery, and prize winners’ work will be exhibited from December 8 – 19, 2014, in the Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries in Pao Hall. A public reception honoring the prize winners and all participants will take place on Friday, December 12, 6 – 8 pm, in the Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries in Pao Hall, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Prize-winning works for this competition will also be displayed in Purdue’s Discovery Park in the Spring 2015 semester.

ELIGIBILITY: High school students in Indiana and Illinois. Grades 9-12.


SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Share your Processing sketch via OpenProcessing (see web link) and submit a short (100 words) project description along with a link to the Processing artwork via the Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries online submission system.

***See attached website for full posting with links necessary for this application (Processing, OpenProcessing and Entry Form) in addition to helpful tips and tutorials.

One prizewinning work per grade level (grades 9 – 12), $300
One grand prize, $600
Entires must be received by Monday, November 17, 2014

Notification of acceptance will be announced on the Rueff Galleries’ website by Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Shannon McMullen, PhD, assistant professor of Electronic and Time-Based Art and American Studies
Jennifer Neville, PhD, associate professor of Computer Science
Leigh Raymond, PhD, professor and director of the Purdue Center for the Environment
Fabian Winkler, MFA, associate professor of Electronic and Time-Based Art

Contact [email protected] or 765-496-2958

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