Mural – Food Security and Sustainability
Raising Cane's Restaurant Retaining Wall
Entry Deadline: Jan. 22
Project: Outdoor Mural – Raising Cane’s
Artist/Artist Team Stipend: $4,000
Deadline: Monday, January 22, 2018, 5:00 pm CST
Project Summary
The City of San Marcos Mural Arts Committee and Raising Cane’s seeks to commission a professional visual artist or artist team to design and paint a mural on an exterior retaining wall located at Raising Cane’s Restaurant located at the corner of Highway 80 and Clarewood Drive. The project must display imagery that expresses the theme in line with Raising Cane’s philosophy of “Giving Back”. The City of San Marcos wants to expand on this theme with the phrase, ‘Food Security and Sustainability”. Imagery can be simple or abstracted as long as it promotes at least one or more of the following themes:
• Giving back to the community
• Food Security
• Farm to Table
• Community Gardens
• Solving Childhood Hunger
• Local establishments with longstanding contribution to feeding our community
• Or images related to the above artistic themes The artist stipend for this project is $4,000. Materials for the project will be provided by the City of San
Marcos. The application deadline is Monday, January 22, 2018, 5:00 pm CST.
Project Background and Goals
The retaining wall at Raising Cane’s is a great location to add vibrant art to the east side of San Marcos. This is a high traffic area with lots of visibility. The wall is approximately 394 square feet. The goals of this mural project are
• To beautify and add character to the neighborhood.
• Add to the growing collection of public art.
• Deter graffiti.
The project should meet the following objectives
• To create a mural that is colorful and inspiring for residents and visitors.
• To create a mural that is reflective of the community values.
Artist Eligibility
Preference will be given to local artists or artist teams who have prior experience in mural/large-scale
artworks and prior experience in the creation of public art.
Evaluation Criteria
The selection of an artist, or artist team, will be based upon
• Artistic merit of the design.
• Appropriateness of the design for the location, including the scale, content, color and design in
relation to the site.
• Concept promotes themes stated in project summary
• Artist’s qualifications.
• Originality of the design.
The total amount to be paid to the artist is a stipend is $4,000, inclusive of the design and painting process. This does not include paint, brushes, lifts, etc. These items will be provided by the City of San Marcos in a quantity and quality that is agreed upon by both parties. Timeline – subject to change January 22, 2018 5pm (CST) Deadline for submission of proposals. TBA Review, selection, and contracting of the artist/artist team. TBA Painting of the mural.
Submission Guidelines
Multiple designs may be submitted and must include:
• A preliminary concept drawing and narrative. The narrative should convey the artistic intent,
colors, style of work, etc. Please send each image as a .jpg and label with the artist’s last name, image number and image title. For example: Smith_01.jpg, Smith_02.jpg, etc. Images must be
1028×728 pixels (or smaller) and at least 72 dpi.
• Timetable for completion of the mural.
• Contact Information (resume and artist statement are helpful and encouraged.)
• Examples of other relevant works and/or reviews of similar work. Maximum of 5 images. Please send each image as a .jpg and label with the artist’s last name, image number and image title.
For example: Smith_01.jpg, Smith_02.jpg, etc. Images must be 1028×728 pixels (or smaller) and
at least 72 dpi.
• Suggested plan for utilizing community volunteers to assist with painting the mural.
• Estimated cost of materials.
Please submit proposals by January 22, 2018 to:
San Marcos Mural Project
c/o Lisa Morris
630 E. Hopkins
San Marcos, TX 78666
Or email [email protected]